Make the Game

Playing sport is only half the story. Athletes take centre stage during the game but who makes it all happen? Coaches, officials and volunteers!

Coaches, umpires and volunteers are the lifeblood of sport and provide the foundations of our sporting nation. They dedicate hours of time and energy, working in a variety of ways and are worth their weight in gold, helping to make possible all the sport and physical activities that members and others enjoy. From Grassroots to International level they are the unsung heros, without which sport, as we know it, would cease to exist.

In this section you will be able to find information on how to get started in coaching or officiating and what support there is for starting out as a volunteer. There is also important information for clubs about safeguarding and England Netball’s CAPS programme.

Contact Us

England Netball South West
Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership
Castle Road
Chelston Business Park
TA21 9JQ
Charity number: 1197522

Events Calendar

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