Team South West at the Commonwealth Games

Posted August 10, 2022 by Poppy O'Reilly

Each week we bring you a good news story from across the South West as part of our wedNEWSday articles.

There is nothing quite like a home games! Birmingham definitely met the mark as host city, enabling the West Midlands to come to life and showcase it’s history and culture whilst providing a perfect backdrop for the Commonwealth Games. With over 13,000 volunteers and 4,500 athletes from the Commonwealth’s 72 nations and territories, competing across 19 sports and 8 para sports, it certainly was 11 days of thrilling, heart racing action. These games have, as a result, inspired millions of people to become involved in sport, whether that’s playing, volunteering, umpiring or coaching.

England Netball were not only involved in the action on court but off court too with a ‘Have a Go’ area located in the NEC Arena and a ‘Fan Park’ outside within the NEC grounds, where over 12,000 people, from netball fanatics to netball newbies came to try out the sport we love so much. There were guest appearances from Roses players, opportunities to sign up to sessions and a chance to test your skills. Our #MakeYourMark Station situated in the ‘Have a Go’ was also a huge hit with thousands of fans sharing how netball has impacted their lives on and beyond the court.  

Most of team South West were lucky enough to either attend the games in a working capacity or as a ticket holder, just one of the many benefits of having a home game’s and the opportunities it provides to get involved and catch up with old and new faces alike.

With a staggering 150,000 tickets sold across the CWG netball sessions, netball has been given the spotlight to showcase what an incredible sport it is, one where women and girls of all ages, ethnicities and abilities can come together as one.

The visibility that our sport has experienced during the competition has inspired people across the country to get involved in netball and find their place in the game. With over 500 sessions running across the summer, as well as the relaunch of our Bee Netball junior programme we aim to create a legacy that will continue to inspire all generations. 

Click below to get involved and start your netball journey today.

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Missing watching live netball already? Then book tickets to Vitality Roses Test Series vs Uganda She Cranes. Tickets are selling fast so book yours today.

Have the Commonwealth Games inspired you to volunteer? Netball South West have 2 volunteering opportunities. See below for details.

Netball South West volunteers will help in the identifying of and meeting the needs of everyone involved in netball in order to enhance participation experiences and encourage the uptake of the sport. We currently have the following opportunities available:

Volunteer Lead

As a Volunteer Lead you will be the main point of contact for volunteers and volunteering within Netball South West. This will include ensuring that volunteers receive support, identifying the volunteer needs for NSW, recruiting new volunteers, assisting in the organisation and promotion of volunteer recognition opportunities, for example, the South West ONE Awards and attending working group meetings as deemed necessary.

Youth Lead

As the Netball South West Youth Lead you will represent the voices of young people in netball through listening to them and gaining feedback to help improve their experience. Further to this you will champion the importance of developing young leaders, support the co-ordination of a youth group, and work alongside regional staff and other working groups to promote opportunities for young people.

If you are interested in either of these roles please email: for more information, role description and an application form.

If you have a good news story that you would like to share please send your story and a picture to the South West Regional Coordinator (

Contact Us

England Netball South West
Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership
Castle Road
Chelston Business Park
TA21 9JQ
Charity number: 1197522

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