For the game
Netball South West is committed to the establishment of a safe, fair and inclusive sporting environment and we put this at the heart of everything we do. We respect and promote the spirit and intentions of England Netball’s Safeguarding Young People in Netball Policy and Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
For the game
Our Safeguarding Priorities
For 2024/25 our focus is on developing a networking group for our county welfare leads and offering them training where required. We will also connect with the region’s Active Partnership Welfare Officers and access theirs and wider multi-agency support if a concern arises.
Our Safeguarding Lead
To support this work, we have a Safeguarding Lead who is responsible for the development & implementation of safeguarding and welfare policies & processes. They are the link to the England Netball safeguarding Manager/Team for concerns in the region. They are the first point of contact for all safeguarding related concerns at Netball South West and will appropriately deal with these concerns in a timely manner and in accordance with relevant policies and legislation.
For support or more information contact Safeguarding@netballsouthwest.co.uk
If you, or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 999 and ask to speak to the Police.
To Submit a Safeguarding Concern (whether current or historic) to the England Netball Safeguarding team, please use the button below.
If you are a child and are concerned, upset or worried about anything, you can call ChildLine free on 0800 1111. They are there for you to speak to in confidence, anytime, day or night.